Saturday, August 17, 2013

Week of Aug 11 Song Rec

A friend suggested I do this weekly so I thought hey why not!
I don't think I'm going to have a "theme" for the song recs I'm just going to put down any 5 songs I feel like telling people about! So the "Week of Aug 11" thing doesn't mean I'm just going to recommend songs that I've listened to this week, it just means that's the week I'm posting these songs.And I decided to post this every Sunday because it is the first day of the week ^^ Omg I have so many songs I want to recommend but I'll just keep them in mind for next week. Hahaha ok I'll shut up. Hope you enjoy ^^

1. MIB's 5Zic - Beautiful Day
I'm a huge fan of MIB and despite everyone else's hatred for their use of auto tune I think they are very talented and fun entertainers. Anyway this is 5zic's solo song and it's my favorite of their solo songs, and is also the reason that I grew to appreciate them and also some of the more mainstream khiphop artists. It's a very fun song as well ^^ I don't have much else to say tbh.

2. Boyfriend - Good Night
If you know me well enough you probably know that out of all the kpop groups out there I enjoy Boyfriend's songs the most. I don't even know all of their names tbqh, but I never get bored of their music and I think their style is incredibly unique and beautiful and just perfect. They are sooo underrated and I appreciate their talent because it goes unrecognized a lot of times. Not to mention they always have really difficult choreography but no one really mentions that either...I think people are too focused on the fact that they are young and called "Boyfriend" that they overlook their talent and musicality.

ANYway back on subject: The song "Good Night." It is literally that "just started dating" phase in a song. The perfect romance personified. Even the first line, "Goodbye, I don't want to let you go so I just say bye several times" illustrates what couples feel when they're saying good bye or good night, like they don't want to leave, you just want the moment to last forever... that feeling is captured soo well in this song. "I miss you and miss you even though I just saw you" "I'm a fool who only sees you" "Time is so long" I feel like the song is the perfect description of the type of relationship everyone wants and the melody fits the lyrics perfectly for that.

It really is one of my favorites from their album "Janus." It boosts my mood when I'm down and makes me feel calm and romantic. So anyway, I recommend this song because it is just simply wonderful.

3. SS501 - Lonely Girl
So ss501 was one of the first kpop groups that I was a fan of so a lot of their songs really mean a lot to me because at the time I was going through a lot of emotional stress and their songs were I guess there as a comfort. Anyway this song is actually just Kyu Jong and Hyung Jun but I still really love it. It gives off kind of a 70s vibe to me, it reminds me of a certain song that I can't remember by some 70s group I can't remember but anyway I find it incredibly cute and it makes me feel like I'm floating on a very comfy cloud. ^u^ I guess the reason that it's so personal for me is because it talks about a lonely girl and the speaker's love for her so for me, even though I feel lonely a lot of the time it's nice to think that I am still loved. Other than that I just really love the harmonies and the way they hit those high notes and yeah. Great song!

4. U-Kiss - I Don't Understand
I freaking looove this song. This is my favorite U-Kiss song by far. I love the sound, the melody, their voices, just everything. When I first heard it I didn't know what it translated to so I kind of interpreted it in the way that I it was comforting because it made me feel that even though I don't always understand things, I don't have to.I don't have to have a plan for myself or understand why things happen or understand even myself. It's okay to be confused or unsure about things. Anyway now that I understand some of the lyrics better and have looked them up I realize it's about a romance, and not understanding each other which I still think is a beautiful thought. I mean, you don't have to understand perfectly for something to work. Kind of gives me hope ya know. But anyway I recommend this song; it has picked me up several times when I have been down. I stop crying when this song comes on so yeah ^^

5. Lee Juck - With You
This is one of my all time favorite songs; it makes me feel very...alive. I love the way his voice sounds and I love the way the song progresses. It's inspiring and fun and just a really great song. I don't know Lee Juck very well but I do know that this is from his 3rd album which I love dearly. Anyway I listen to this song when I need motivation and it does the trick! It also has kind of a 70s vibe to me, but then again I don't know 70s music all too well so I'm probably getting that all wrong. But this song is one I turn to a lot when I just want a beautiful, really authentic song without loud bass or beats or any of that stuff. Highly recommend it for people who like K-Indie!

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