Saturday, July 20, 2013

Some Guy

So this person making all these glass art pieces was this guy, probably mid-20s with long shaggy blonde hair, sunglasses sitting on the top of his head, cargo shorts and a dirty t-shirt and some strange glove-type thing on his hand to protect himself from the heat.

When I walked in, this guy's I'm supposing wife or girlfriend was sitting there, dressed in some uniform for work or something, watching him, smiling what seemed like proudly. When she caught his attention she asked where the keys were and he kind of pointed somewhere and shouted at her over the noise and then sat back down and continued working, and then she left.

I thought what a terrible relationship but actually it's pretty cool; this guy is doing what he loves and the person he loves can appreciate it. They don't have to always be together but they can still be happy. I might be over analyzing and she mightve been his sister or something but I'm just guessing....this sounds so stupid but anyway

 I was watching him intently because I was trying to figure out why someone would spend so much time working on these little things instead of going out and working a real job or something...but I guess I realized that it probably doesn't matter to him. He's doing what he's good at...what he's learned how to do and worked probably long hours to perfect.

Now that I'm reading this it doesn't sound so interesting...but I guess the point is that watching this guy work made me appreciate art a lot more. Any form of art, really. Writing, drawing, anything's all so...genuine. Like, no person can see a piece of art the same way the artist does. They don't know what it took, they can never know, and never appreciate it the same way. I always try to interpret artworks and understand why they made it the way they did but that isn't the point. The point is that there was something that inspired them to make it a certain way and they don't need anyone else's approval. It is so much themselves that it doesn't matter what other people say about it or think it means because they know what it means to them.

I think that is something that people nowadays lack; an outlet where we can just be ourselves and not worry about what others are saying about it. I think people really need something, anything that they can just put themselves into, like a sport or an art form of some kind or a musical long as there's something. I think that is one of the few ways people can feel comfortable with who they are.

So I guess that's the main thing that impressed me about this person I saw...he really didn't pay attention to all the people watching him work, nor did he seem affected by it. He had, in his mind, an idea of what he wanted to do, and he did it. I wish more people thought like that. Maybe then, the world wouldn't be so focused on the mainstream, and more focused on the true beauty of life and art and hard work..

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