Monday, January 27, 2014

140127 Life Update

8 am is still something I need to get used to tbh..
This morning I woke up at a decent time and had a lot of time to myself before I went to class which is always nice but it made me really tired...lately if I don't drink coffee right when I wake up then I have a headache all day long....
Saturday I signed a lease for an apartment for next semester which was exciting, but literally the entire day my head was pounding and I felt like I was going to pass out. I thought it could be because I am not really eating correctly but Sunday I didn't eat until like 5 pm and I was fine because I had water and coffee in the morning.
The human body is so strange tbh

Anyway, today I'm not feeling so well mainly just in my stomach but I've grown to get used to this because I used to get stomachaches alot in high school.

I'm really enjoying my Sociology class and am considering double majoring in Economics and either Finance or Accounting. I haven't taken any accounting or finance classes yet though, but I've heard Finance is a lot more fun. It just sounds better anyway.

Uhh anything else...
I'm pretty sure I gained a whole bunch of weight over the break but I'm too busy honestly to try and work out... also..I was thinking about joining a co ed business frat but maybe next semester I'll be ready for that kind of commitment. In the meantime I am going to try to do a lot of volunteer work this semester and work on bringing my GPA up. Last semester was inexcusable.

Anyway other than that I'm just excited for Btob's comeback in less than three weeks!
Jiyong Manager says to anticipate it and I sure as hell am.

Anyway, enough about my life~ Bye

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