Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Something that really boggles my mind and I still cannot, for the life of me, understand is people's genuine belief that being lazy is a legitimate excuse to not exert yourself.

Where do you think you're going to go in life like that?
Do you honestly think people will sympathize with you not being as involved in things as other people just because you were "too lazy" to even try to make an effort?

What I'm talking about is the people who say things like "Ah, I should do ___ but I'm just too lazy."
Sure, once in awhile, it's okay to be lazy, especially if you've worked yourself too hard and need a break. But constantly sitting around feeling sorry for yourself for not being involved in organizations or not having a social life, and then finding the only excuse for yourself to be that you are lazy just bothers me.

Between yesterday and today, I have gone to three information meetings for organizations on campus because I want to overcome my fear of social events and I want to become more comfortable with being around people I don't know. This was /so/ hard for me. Walking into meetings and not knowing anyone is the most intimidating thing ever for me, and I hate it. I get nervous and turn red and feel embarrassed and want to leave but I don't because I know it'll be worth the effort. Last semester, if I hadn't overcome my fear of joining things, I wouldn't have my best friend on campus right now, and I wouldn't have done any of the fun things that I did. After that I realized that having fun in college is joining things, meeting people, and not confining yourself to your dorm.

You have nothing to complain about if you sit at home and feel sorry for yourself while other people go out and make friends. Maybe it is a lot easier for some people to do certain things, but it isn't impossible for anyone. Honestly, I am not a social person. I am awkward and shy and I had to force myself to go to these things, even when I was at the point of almost throwing up from nervousness. You don't have to be "that type of person" to do that. And you can't blame it on forgetfulness, laziness, or time restraints. If you /truly/ want to make friends and enjoy yourself /you/ have to make it happen. No one is going to hand it to you on a silver platter. Like everything in life you have to work for it.

I hate when I work my ass off and am proud of it, and have to listen to people say, "Oh wow, yeah, I am way too lazy to do all that," like somehow, being lazy is an innate part of you that prohibits you from doing anything productively. This is bullshit. You didn't do all of what I did because you LET yourself be lazy. It's not that you /are/ lazy it's that you /choose/ to be. You think I'm just naturally a morning person who likes to sit and do homework? Hell no, I would much rather be doing other things. Last semester, I was discouraged greatly and spent most of my time watching dramas. Realizing this I had to force my habit to change, and it has.

Don't blame the 8 am classes for making you tired. Blame the you that stayed up late finishing homework because you procrastinated. Shit happens, but a lot of what goes on in your life is controlled by you.

Get over yourself. Laziness is not a justifiable excuse for not getting stuff done.

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