Monday, September 23, 2013


Things have been great besides all of that ~*~emotional~*~ crap.

I went to a Chuseok festival type thing at a junior high school in Austin and it was a lot of fun. I enjoyed learning about traditional Korean games and things and I loved being around people who appreciate Korea as much as I do. It was interesting because everyone there was speaking Korean and I understood a lot of it which made me proud.

I also went to my first UT football game and saw a lot of different kinds of people. I ushered as volunteer/I-got-free-membership-for-a-club-if-I-did-it and it was really fun to see all the types of people that go to football games.

One man asked me why I was working; he thought I got in trouble skipping classes or something and that's why i was an usher and was surprised when I told him I volunteered as part of the Korean Undergraduate Students Association. He was like, "But you're not Korean" and thought maybe it was part of my degree. It's funny how many people are so shocked that someone can like a culture that is not their own. It's 2013 goddamnit why is that so surprising. If I were Chinese he wouldn't have told me that which is kind of a funny thing to think about.

Anyway so then there was this other old man who passed by me and said, "You're really cute!" and I was really fucking creeped out but I am assuming he was drunk.

There were some British guys all dressed in neon colors and they saw the view from the top of the stadium and said "Wow this is /really/ something" and it was kind of cool to see people so fascinated by something that is right at home for me. It made me feel like I was a part of something great. Then compared to other people who saw that their seats were all the way at the top and rolled their eyes and were frustrated by it and complaining. I think people sometimes let their appreciation for something dwindle because of their expectations and it's kind of sad. One guy even made a point of coming down and telling me how mad he was about his seats like there was something I could do about it right....

Anyway there were just a lot of really interesting different people and I got to know a couple of the people in my club as well which was really pretty cool.

I just hope they don't silently wish I wasn't there. I mean...some people don't like it when white people are so interested in their culture. I'll never understand why because then people also get mad when white people are racist or disregard other cultures buuut whatever. I just hope that these people don't feel burdened by me. I want to make friends with them but I feel like they won't like me. Or at least...I feel like they won't want me around.

So after when they were all talking about doing something I just left without saying bye which I realize may have been rude but I didn't want them to feel obligated to invite me.

Anyway, so far this semester has been fun. I have Calculus homework due tonight and I really don't want to do it buuut oh well I better do it........

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