Sunday, July 14, 2013

Live for Yourself.

Lately I've had a lot of wisdom shared with me and I've learned a lot about life and loving people and being a respectful human being and it's made me have really complex thoughts that I don't even know if I quite understand.

I'm becoming more opinionated but I can't tell if these opinions are born from ignorance or if they're I don't know if I should share them or keep them to myself to avoid any possible embarrassment...and even if these opinions are 'sound' well...what does that even mean?

So they're acceptable by what?

I don't need the acceptance of society or my friends and peers to be "right" or "wrong" do I? What's saying they are "right" and "wrong" anyway?

In the end, it's not them who will determine what was right and wrong, what was good and bad, what opinions were 'sound' and what thoughts were revolutionary.
I'm not a super religious person but I have my beliefs about what determines all of this, but who is saying that I'm right about even that? Science can explain many things but there is no way of testing and experimenting to find out what thoughts and opinions are morally correct, or what religion or belief is the truth. Really there is no way for any one human to know what exactly is "right" and what is the "truth" about anything. So why do we spend our lives trying to please other human beings?

Through typing all of this I'm kind of realizing the importance of living for yourself. No matter what you do, someone is going to disagree. Someone is going to disapprove. So instead of living to please others, or do what you think society wants you to, or what society thinks is 'right', do what /you/ think is right. Do what allows you to accomplish what you want to accomplish. Make your own goals and accomplish them. Exceed them. Go beyond your own limits, not those set upon you by people who won't matter in the grand scheme of your life. Ignore the people that tell you that you are doing something wrong. Make your own mistakes and learn from them.

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