Thursday, July 4, 2013

Best Advice I've Heard

Quick Update: Registering for classes made me realize how important it is to be prepared and have back up plans beforehand if things don't go your way. Now I'm in Waco, TX with my sister and so far it's been very relaxing, mainly because it isn't nearly as busy here.

Anyway, I met a friend during Orientation and we were talking, and I wondered why it was so easy for her to befriend people and be humble about it. "How are you so likeable?" I asked.

This is what she answered:

Once you realize that no one is perfect, you can be a friend to anyone.

Pondering this made me realize that I, myself, have suffered from judging people by the little things about them that I disagree with. They might be people I could become close friends with, but if there's one thing that I don't like, I call it a "deal-breaker" and don't even attempt at a relationship.
Now that I think about it this is a terrible excuse to not become friends with someone and I think it may be the reason that I have a hard time being close to people.

Once we accept that people are different and everyone has their quirks and mistakes, we can literally accept anyone as a friend.

Okay last thing. So at Orientation they asked us to like, stand up for which statements we agreed with or related to and they read a list of statements and one of them was "Are you homophobic."
No one stood up. Not meaning no one was a homophobe...but rather no one admitted to it.

It's interesting that the things that are hardest for us to admit are things that may offend other people. Sure, everyone is entitled to an opinion but when that opinion disagrees with someone else's lifestyle, it becomes "controversial."

Honestly, I don't know how I feel about this. Shouldn't we be comfortable enough in our opinions to be able to admit to them? Why do we have to hide our opinions because it may disagree with someone else's?
I'm not saying I am homophobic nor that I am not, but the fact that no one admitted to it, yet people admitted to self-harm, being ashamed of their body, etc, was really interesting.

People admit their insecurities about themselves, but not about other people? Maybe this is exactly why we judge people so much. We aren't even comfortable enough in our own opinions to accept other peoples'.

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