Sunday, December 15, 2013

A Couple Non-Korean Songs

Something that bothers me a lot is when people assume that I "only" listen to kpop, or that I only listen to Korean music when that isn't the case at all...I like to think I am pretty open minded when it comes to music, and so far there isn't a music genre that I have disliked completely. Of the different types and styles of music I have come across in my lifetime, there is not one that I haven't found at least a couple songs that I like. Sooo this post is dedicated to sharing a couple non-Korean songs that I have recently come to favor. Of course, these aren't my favorite non-Korean songs nor are they the /only/ non-Korean songs that I listen to but these are just some recent finds.

1. Taylor Swift - Enchanted
Ok, this one isn't actually a recent find but I still love it... I used to really hate Taylor Swift but it was kind of a guilty pleasure of mine to listen to this album of hers (Fearless) and this one was one of my favorites. I think a lot of people give her shit because she's not a teenager anymore but all of her songs are kind of about that immature first love sort of thing or fairytale-like romances that aren't exactly realistic...but honestly I like that aspect of her music because it's what we all want anyway, and sometimes hearing a song about innocence is a refreshing break from the regular music we hear that seem to be getting more and more vulgar by the day.

2. Faydee ft Lazy J - Laugh Until You Cry
This is a Romanian pop song that I found recently and I absolutely love it. I usually don't like pop songs but this one is so catchy and fun. I really like the singer's voice..anyway nothing much to say about this song except that it's really fun to sing along to ahah.

3. Sunrise Inc - Mysterious Girl
Okay so I found this one and the previous one because of the 4minute song "Volume Up" which has the same saxaphone melody at the beginning as this song but I think I actually like this song better...Anyway I like this song because it's really chill and fun to listen to and idk I just really like ittttt.

4. Aaron Smith - Dancin' (Krono Remix)
I think I discovered this on someone's 8tracks playlist and I really liked the sound; it's very chill and I think it might actually be a popular song originally? I'm not actually sure to be honest because I'm not really pop-culture knowledgeable but anyway I like this remix because it's relaxing and not distracting while studying.

5. Imagine Dragons - Demons
Ok, I'm cheating a little because I talk about this album a lot but I just looove this song. I listen to it like, every day literally. I feel like the lyrics are something that I can kind of connect to and I just really love Imagine Dragons' sound in general. They're coming to Austin in February and I'm considering buying tickets but ugh money. Anyway, great great great song! Personal fave.

Anyway there are just a couple of the songs I've been listening to in the past week that are not Korean...I'm always open to new music no matter the genre or language and I actually rather enjoy discovering new music that I didn't know about before so yeah I don't fear things that are different and I really wish people would stop judging me based on the fact that I listen to a lot of Korean music. I wish there weren't so many music stereotypes...people should be able to listen to whatever they want without being called "emo" or "preppy" or "a hick" you know? It just bothers me that for something that has sooo much variety, people are surprised that you can favor songs that aren't necessarily the same genre.

Also lately I have been keen to listening to a lot of ballads, and I really really want to find some good vocalists with great ballad songs where they really belt it you know but I haven't found many so far. Maybe I'll make a post about ballad songs but idk I'm not very knowledgeable about them either so I might sound ignorant.

Hopefully this post doesn't make me sound ignorant...though I'm not really always up to date with the current pop culture trends I think sometimes discovering music on your own is more special...

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