Monday, November 11, 2013


Lately I haven't really been doing as well as I want to in school and it's been extremely disappointing and depressing but today I received my test score for my first microeconomics midterm and I did a lot better than the average. I was kind of worried because I didn't study as well for this exam than the initial exam but I didn't do that much worse!
The first test I made 27/30 and this one I did 25/30 so I'm feeling pretty proud of myself for understanding the material. It's the one class I feel comfortable in so I thought I would just brag a bit ^^ I hate an A hehe yay.

Next semester I am finally moving on from the "basic" requirements of all university students and on to the lower level Business courses and I am sooo excited to finnaalllly be taking classes about things I like ^^ No more science, no more Calculus, no more history save one art history class I'm taking to fulfill a core requirement but oh my god then I am done and moving on to better things.

I think you know you're in the right major when you're excited about your schedule.

My roommate is taking like 5 science courses and that sounds terrible to me but she's like uber excited. That's what I love about college, the fact that there's something for everyone and everyone can finally pursue the things that they love and are good at. I'm hoping that from here on out I will be doing things that I like to do.

I am considering joining a gymnastics club here; I know it's been forever since I did any sort of athletic club but I want to sooo badly. I'm hoping there is a tumbling class or something and I'm going to seek one out for next semester.

Also, I decided I am going to try and join a whole bunch of cultural groups next semester, because if I am going to be a good, successful businessperson I want to be open minded and try and understand different cultures other than my own and Korean culture. Lately I have been drawn to Japanese culture and I considered taking Japanese but they aren't offering it this semester and that's a lot of hours that I would rather fill with other more relevant classes anyway but anyway the point is that I want to try and expand my repertoire of knowledge of other cultures.

Also, I am considering International Business as my major and though I'm not completely sure I think this will be the route I take. I might double major and do something else too but I haven't decided.

A friend told me I would make a good lawyer because I have good reasoning skills and am logical ((cough unemotional cough)) and I thought that was kind of funny. It's true in a way but I would never consider law just because I don't feel like the system is really all that fair. Who am I to judge...

Ok, that wraps up my life post.

If you're reading this, don't be defeated from yourself!

- H M J

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